Announcing the Shadowrun Art Contest!

August 1, 2022
For more than thirty years, Shadowrun has produced some of the coolest cyberpunk art around, inspiring fans across the globe to create their own characters and campaigns within the game universe. Many Shadowrun artists and writers started off as fans, so we thought there was no  better way to encourage the creativity of the next wave of artists than with …


October 31, 2023
Veiled Resin is a totally unique and one-of-a-kind art style, never before seen in the art world. To build his works, artist Steven Michael Bohls combines carefully carved acrylic sheets and inlaid layers of epoxy resin, creating visually stunning art pieces that remain hidden—even from him—until he is ready to unveil them to the world after days of carving, color …

Streaming and Kickstarter updates!

August 29, 2023
Lots of exciting stuff happening in the shadows, including a Kickstarter that’s about to end and a streaming show that’s about to start! Check out the image for the information!

Run like a pro with Shoot Straight!

July 12, 2023
In any trade, there’s nothing like advice from seasoned pros to help you learn the ropes. Since shadowrunning is a pretty complex trade, it stands to reason that advice from veterans can be even more helpful. That’s what Shoot Straight (Catalyst shop, DriveThruRPG) is for. Written by runners, for runners, it provides advice on a full range of topics, from …

So much Shadowrun goodness out today! Peruse it all!

June 28, 2023
Summer is here and the stars have aligned to release a host of new Shadowrun products! So without delay, let’s look at what’s available! First up is the augmentation book for Shadowrun, Sixth World, called Body Shop (Catalyst shop, DriveThru). Whatever tech you want to add to runner, it’s in here. Here’s the rundown: Build a Better You You sculpt …

Whisper Nets out now! Intrigue in Manhattan!

April 10, 2023
The newest campaign book for Shadowrun, Sixth World is available now (Catalyst store, DriveThruRPG)! It’s called Whisper Nets, and it takes runners on a whirlwind tour of Manhattan uncovering corporate secrets and trying to stay a step ahead of the people who want those secrets to stay hidden! Here’s some info: It’s What You Know Powerful financiers have been sent …

Building community in Shadowrun–Holostreets and Roll20

April 10, 2023
Shadowrun is one of the most vibrant and enduring role-playing settings of all time, but as with any game, its enduring strength is the people who play it. The games they play and the stories they develop have sustained Shadowrun for more than thirty years. As we keep releasing books for the current edition of the game (Shadowrun, Sixth World), …

Lots of Shadowrun News—Roll20, Holostreets, and Humble Bundle!

March 28, 2023
All sorts of movement is happening in the shadows right now, and we have updates on lots of exciting Shadowrun options! Let’s start with Roll20. In January, we released the Shadowrun, Sixth World quick-start rules for free on Roll20, and since then we have been working on making the full ruleset available. The day for that release has come! The …

Metaplanar guide and two new card decks release for Shadowrun!

February 23, 2023
New Shadowrun goodies have hit the streets in the form of a new book and two new card decks–the book is Astral Ways, and the card decks are the Program Deck and Rogue’s Lineup! Here are more details on each one. First up is Astral Ways (Catalyst shop, DriveThru RPG). The metaplanes are wild places, and activity there has been …