New PDFs Available! NPCs and Weapons Waiting for You!

July 9, 2020
If you’re looking for new options for your Shadowrun game, we have plenty for you today! Two new PDF books just hit the virtual stores, ready to add excitement to your game. They are the Krime Katalog, a collection of weapons and vehicles from everyone’s favorite slightly reputable gun manufacturer; and Ingentis Athletes, an NPC collection of athletes who have …

Announcing Shadowrun Foil Puzzles and Foil Posters

June 13, 2020
During this time of an absence of Conventions and the continued need to social distance, Catalyst brings you the following package of two great new products! PICKING UP THE PIECES! Pre-order from our first-ever series of jigsaw puzzles for Shadowrun, printed right here in the USA! Five different images, done in high-quality foil and cut to a 500-standard piece puzzle. …

Now Available – Sledge Statue; A Kiss to Die (Preorder), Restocks

June 13, 2020
When Sartorial meets Kintsugi at a jabber—an illegal warehouse party—he falls hard and fast for the beautiful human girl. She is everything he didn’t know he wanted—and everything his family hates. Kintsugi is drawn to the handsome elf boy like no other, but her future has already been planned. A future she intends to thwart. But now there’s something ...

New Shadowrun Words Are Waiting for You!

May 8, 2020
Reality keeps trying to out-dystopia Shadowrun, but we here at Shadowrun Central aren’t quitters! We’re hard at work making the Sixth World both bleaker and more fun than reality, and new words are coming your way for your reading and gaming enjoyment! First, in the gaming category we have the new PDF, Age of Rust (Catalyst store, DriveThruRPG). This book …

30 Nights Ready to Provide Days’ Worth of Adventure

May 1, 2020
With the plot book Cutting Black released and available,the first campaign book for Shadowrun, Sixth World, entitled 30 Nights (Catalyst store), is ready to help you set up a whole string of adventures! Building off some of the plot elements of Cutting Black, the book takes you to Toronto, where the power is out and the streets are getting deadlier …

Now Available – The Shadowrun Activity Book in PDF

March 26, 2020
Hotly anticipated by Shadowrunners of all stripes and beleaguered parents everywhere, we’re proud to release the Shadowrun Activity Book as a pay-what-you-wish PDF ( CGL Webstore // DTRPG ) The book will be available in print-on-demand hard copy in the near future; it’s winding its way through the POD process now. This 56-page coloring and activity book will provide hours of fun, showcasing art from Shadowrun Sixth …

Catalyst Game Labs Offers Support, Discounts During COVID-19 Pandemic

March 25, 2020
Greetings, The entire world is struggling with the ramifications of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Family and friends who may be sick. Struggling businesses. Self-isolation.  On behalf of everyone at Catalyst Game Labs, our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the outbreak. As a virtual company Catalyst continues to operate fairly normally. We have game lines requiring our …

The Shadowrun, Sixth World Pipeline Flows!

December 30, 2019
We know that Shadowrun, Sixth World content has not flowed as quickly as we wanted it to once the core book hit stores in early October, but we’re really excited to set players on a whole bunch of new adventures, with world-shaking consequences! More books are on their way to various stores and outlets, so here’s a quick rundown of …