Shadowrun, Sixth World Release

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the release date for Shadowrun, Sixth World, which is great! We love the enthusiasm! We had been working toward an August release date, but the printing and shipping process did not move forward quickly enough to allow that to happen. The full print run is currently on a ship, moving across the Pacific, so it can be unloaded, moved to our warehouse, then distributed to retail outlets. When they look at how all those steps will happen, our distributors are targeting early October for the book to hit stores.

What about the PDF? Good question! That will go on sale sooner, but we have to line up a few things. We’re changing the way we sell PDFs and print books with this edition. In SR5, we gave a discount to people who bought both the PDF and the print book; for SR6, we’re making that discount better! If you buy the print book, you’ll get a free PDF copy; if, instead, you buy the PDF in advance, you’ll get a discount if you eventually purchase the print book. Getting those mechanisms in place with our distributor and PDF retailers takes a bit of time. Once we know exactly how much time it will take, we’ll make an announcement. Then we’ll get the PDF into your hands! Or your devices! Whichever!

Thanks for your patience—and your enthusiasm!